Week 4: Sept 27-29 Question

This week's blog post is on the American Marketing Association webcast that we will watch in the class on Thursday Sept 29th. The webcast is a talk by representatives from Spredfast, a company dealing with word-of-mouth and social media marketing. The webcast provides a nice summary of some of the important objectives that marketers should keep in mind to use social media.

Here is a summary of the presentation from Spredfast:
In the age of social media, marketing possibilities are seemingly endless. But, all marketers should have at least one of the "Big Six" objectives at the core of their strategy. Equip yourself with the social media pocket guide - the proven tactics to achieve each objective - to navigate through the social media waters and start achieving success today. Attendees will walk away from this discussion with:
An understanding of the six most important objectives each marketer should consider when developing a social media marketing initiative 
How social media ties into to existing organizational goals 
Proven tactics to use with each social media objective that can each marketer can start implementing today 

Your blog post should reflect the following questions:

1. What is the main message of the webcast? What are the 3-4 key takeaways from the presentation?
2. What are the six key objectives for which marketers are using social media?
3. The presenters provide several examples of companies that use social media to achieve the key objectives. In your own words, can you elaborate on at least one of them? When you elaborate, can you provide a few videos/ or screen shots to support your narrative.
4. Finally some closing thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Social media is the leading platform for doing marketing. Social media give the best opportunity to inform the audience about your business products and services. Use social media to showcase your business. Social media marketing
